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Write A Review

Tell us what you think about the product

We love hearing about your experience, and encourage you to provide ratings and reviews for products you have purchased online or instore. This is a great way to share your experience, while helping other rebel customers choose the right products for their needs.

Rate and Review a product in 3 easy steps

  • 1. Find the product you wish to review.
  • 2. Click on the ‘Write a Review’ link on the product page (just below the price).
  • 3. Rate and review the product.

Helpful review hints

  • 1. Tell us what you liked or disliked, we want your honest feedback.
  • 2. Focus on the product itself and its specific features.
  • 3. Think about what you would have liked to have known before purchasing the product.
  • 4. If you have photos or videos of the product in action, we’d love you to submit them with your review.

Note: It may take up to 72 hours for your review to appear.

If you wish to provide feedback on services, pricing or orders, please contact us directly by clicking here.